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Now that you have a basic understanding of the sharedkube platform, let's take a look at the architecture.

Platform Components

The diagram below shows the high-level overview of the sharedkube platform.

Sharedkube Platform Architecture

Sharedkube Platform Controller

Sharedkube Platform Controller is an application written in Python that is responsible for managing the state of the platform. It is actively reconciling state of sharedkube usage policies, network policies, customer namespaces along with resource quotas and limit ranges.

Policy Engine

Policy Engine is a service that is responsible for enforcing usage policies on the platform. Both for the users and internal identities like Service Accounts. Set of active policies is confidential on purpose. If you need access to unavailable resource or action, please contact us, so we can consider enabling it for all users.

Network Policies powered by Cilium

Network Policies are enforced by Cilium. Cilium is an open-source CNI plugin that is responsible for managing network policies to isolate customers workloads from each other.

Customer Namespace

Customer Namespace is a Kubernetes namespace that is created for each customer on the platform. It is used to isolate customers resources from each other by utilizing Kubernetes RBAC and Network Policies. Users resources usage is controlled using Kubernetes native objects - Resource Quotas and Limit Ranges.