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Getting Started

Download Sharedkube CLI

Install from Homebrew:

brew tap sharedkubeio/skctl
brew install skctl

Install with pipx:

pipx install git+

Switch to your zone


Remember to first create the zone in the Sharedkube app.

  1. Login:


    Run the command below, replacing <your_api_token> with your actual token.

    skctl login <your_api_token>

    If you have used skctl before, confirm the override of any existing token by typing y.

    # A token is already saved. Do you want to override it? [y/N]: y


    $ skctl login a43f4ag5hsr56hjr6sr6hsr6hsr6hsr6yhrfes4se4fgsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    # Login successful. Token saved. Hello Patryk
  2. List Zones:


    View available zones with:

    skctl zones


    $ skctl zones
    # ID Name CPU Memory Storage Status Type
    # 71xxxx28-xxxx-4835-9868-xxxxxx6de5ea my-company-dev 1 2Gi 10G draft Zone.Namespace.NamespaceRQuota
    # 0fxxxx3d-xxxx-4a47-9a74-xxxxxx25a000 my-company-prod 1 2Gi 10G running Zone.Namespace.NamespaceRQuota
  3. Switch Zone:


    Switch to a specific zone by updating kubeconfig context.


     skctl switch <zone_name>


    $ skctl switch my-company-prod
    # Updated kubeconfig for zone: my-company-prod

Useful Additional Commands


Verify Connection

kubectl get pods


$ kubectl get pods
# No resources found in sk-roundmelon namespace. # It works!

Check the current namespace name

kubectl config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={..namespace}'


$ kubectl config view --minify --output 'jsonpath={..namespace}'
# sk-roundmelon

Now you’re ready to deploy your applications in Sharedkube.

Deploy your first application

You can now deploy your first application to your namespace in a common way using kubectl, helm, helmfile, etc.

In the example below we will:

  • deploy a simple nginx application
  • expose it via ingress on sharedkube user free subdomain
helm install my-release oci:// \
--version 15.9.3 \
--set resources.requests.cpu=100m \
--set resources.requests.memory=128Mi \
--set resources.limits.cpu=100m \
--set resources.limits.memory=128Mi \
--set service.type=ClusterIP \
--set ingress.enabled=true \
--set ingress.hostname=<your_namespace>

Now you can access your application via https://<your_namespace>

Read more in Cloud Native Deployment guide. At Sharedkube, we are making sure to follow official CNCF definition of Cloud Native Ecosystem.